What Can I Do?
Here you will find some suggestions on ways you can help the fight against LTC. This page will be update as things progress and other options to help arise, so please check back regularly.
(Last updated 5th January 2024)
Together we are stronger!
Current Calls for action
Help record trees
The Woodland Trust is asking us, the public, to help spot and report ancient, veteran, and notable trees. Obviously they can only know about and try to protect these trees if they know where they are, so please do check on their website if you know of an old tree and see if it has been recorded, and if not please add the details to help build their database HERE.
Need an extra bit of help to ID trees by their leaves? Check out this free download.
Help protect trees
And/or you may also wish to consider becoming a Volunteer Woodland Advocate with the Woodland Trust – more info.
Calling all photographers, videographers and budding photographers/videographers
We have some ideas and plans we are working on to help continue to get word out about our fight against the proposed Lower Thames Crossing.
If you have photos/video of areas that would be impacted by the LTC (or be willing to go out and take some) that you’d be willing to share with us and let us use to help with the fight against LTC, please get in touch via email – Thanks
Together we are stronger!
These are some other things you can help with now!
Please download/share some of campaign images on social media etc – click here to view all the available images.
These are things that we need help with on an ongoing basis please
Click through to expand each suggestion, we truly appreciate any help you can offer. Thank you.
Please sign up for our updates, so that we can keep you up to date with any meetings, events, and news relating to the campaign.
Just pop your email address in the sign up form to the top right on any page of our website, and click 'Sign up'.
Tell others about the mailing list, website, social media accounts, meetings, events, and updates, so that as many people as possible can be involved.
Planning Inspectorate Updates
Register your email address for LTC updates from the Planning Inspectorate here, so that you can get the official updates directly from them too.

If you wish to support TCAG and the campaign please make your payment direct to the Thames Crossing Action Group bank account.
Sort Code: 20-25-19 Account: 53415481
This means of donation replaces the original GoFundMe campaign which has now been closed, and funds transferred to the new bank account.
In the immediate future these funds help us to produce leaflets to promote Community Meetings, hire venues for the meetings, and keep this website online.
In the future we may also need funds for legal representation and the like, so every donation is appreciated and will be used to help the campaign against Option C of the Lower Thames Crossing.
Thank you.

If you'd like to put up a poster showing your opposition feel free to print one of ours out if you wish!
Click the image to the left or click here and download and print!