Issue Specific Hearing 3 (ISH3)

Event Details

Issue Specific Hearing 3 (ISH3) – Tues 5th September 2023Register your interest by Deadline 3 (24th August 2023)

Purpose: The LTC DCO Issue Specific Hearing 3 offers the possibility for registered Interested Parties to communicate opinions specifically on the ‘Project Design’ to the Examining Authority (ExA).  Click here for Agenda

NB. Speaking at an ISH not a right and is subject to invitation by the ExA, but you can express your interest in speaking here by Deadline 3 (24th August 2023).

Location: This ISH is a blended event so will take place at a venue as well as online.
In person –  Orsett Hall Hotel, Prince Charles Ave, Orsett, Grays, Essex RM16 3HS
Online – Microsoft Teams: joining instructions will be sent to all attendees in advance of the event

Registration process: From 9.15am

Start time: 10am

Attendees: Invited Parties who have pre-registered

NB. Continuation of this hearing (if required) will be on 12 or 13 September 2023 from 7-30pm as a virtual event on MS teams.  Details will be published as required.



There will be further Issue Specific Hearings on other different topics (please see our LTC DCO process timeline update).

Full instructions on how to join online or by telephone will be provided in advance to those who have pre-registered.

You do not have to register to simply watch the meeting. A link to the livestream of the meeting will be published on the project webpage and the livestream will begin at 10am. If the livestream does not initially work please try refreshing the webpage.

A note and recording of the meeting will be published under the Documents tab on the project webpage.


Making a written submission

Interested Parties will also have the opportunity to make written submissions after the Hearing prior to Deadline 4 (19 September 2023).

Equal weight is given to in person and written comments throughout the DCO Examination.

If you wish to make a written submission you can do so via the ‘Make a submission‘ page‘ by the deadline.

You will need to enter your unique reference number that was issued to you when you registered as an Interested Party.

Submissions must not include hyperlinks to documents/evidence hosted on a third party website eg technical reports, media articles etc.

Any submissions that exceed 1500 words should also be accompanied by a summary; this summary should not exceed 10% of the original text.

Electronic attachments should be clearly labelled with the subject title and not exceed 50MB.



Further information can be found in FAQ v2 [PD014].


*If you do not have Microsoft Teams you can find out more about getting it for free here.



LTC Issue Specific Hearingsclick here

LTC DCO process timeline – click here

LTC DCO Examination Updates Indexclick here