LTC Supplementary Consultation 2020

The LTC Supplementary Consultation will run for 8 weeks from Weds 29th Jan to Weds 25th March 2020.

This consultation will cover the design changes that have been undertaken in response to the earlier statutory consultation and the feedback received.

This will very likely be the last chance for residents to have any chance to shape the design before Highways England submit their Development Consent Order application, which they current plan to do in Summer 2020.  It is vital that as many people as possible review and respond to this consultation.

Details of the changes and what HE will be consulting on in this consultation will be released at 00.01 on Weds 29th Jan.  We as an action group will of course share our comments on this as soon as we have had time to review the info.  We will no doubt then do further research and have lots of questions for Highways England.  You may wish to wait until closer to the end of the consultation period to respond so that you can review as much info as possible before responding.


Details can also be found on Highways England’s official website –


Details and links to our posts relating to the Supplementary Consultation 2020 will be listed here

LTC Supplementary Consultation – Taking Part –

A list and details of the Supplementary

Deposit Locations and Information

Lower Thames Crossing Maps (issued 29th Jan 2020)

Initial Reactions to the LTC Supplementary Consultation

Highways England have sent more letters with errors

A13 Bottleneck – 2 lane section each direction –

LTC cost per mile = £475.5m –

LTC Project

LTC Map Legends Explained –

LTC Smart Motorway? –

BBC Essex Radio Interview (29th Jan 2020) –

Proposed Construction Hours/Routes –

LTC Bottleneck (M25-A13) –

LTC Toxic Triangle (PM2.5 levels) –

Random Development Boundary –

Unexploded Ordnance (bombs) Concerns –

The Stanford Detour –


More info and links will be added as we review the Supplementary Consultation documentation, and get answers to questions!

Links to all the official Highways England LTC Supplementary Consultation documents