Belhus and Ockendon Community Forum – LTC Update

Event Details

The proposed Lower Thames Crossing is such an important issue to residents that the Belhus and Ockendon Community Forum will be holding a special bonus LTC forum meeting (in addition to their regular forum meeting on Mon 2nd March).

TCAG have been invited to give an LTC presentation update at the special bonus meeting. The meeting takes place on Saturday 14th March from 1.30pm-4pm at South Ockendon Centre, Derry Avenue, South Ockendon, RM15 5DX.  All welcome, look forward to seeing some of you there!  Please help spread the word and let others know about this event.  Together we are stronger!

This is a special bonus Belhus and Ockendon Forum meeting that we, Thames Crossing Action Group, have been invited to give an LTC presentation update at.  This is not an HE info event.  There will also be an HE info event on March 17th at Brandon Groves Community Club from 2-8pm.