July 2020 LTC Task Force Meeting

The July 2020 LTC Task Force Meeting is due to take place from 6pm on Monday 20th July 2020 at Thurrock Council, New Road, Grays, Essex RM17 6LS.


Due to current government guidance on social-distancing and the COVID-19 virus, Lower Thames Crossing Task Force on 20 July 2020 will not be open for members of the public to physically attend. Arrangements have been made for the press and public to watch the meeting live via the Council’s online webcast channel: www.youtube.com/user/thurrockcouncil

This is the list of committee members according to Thurrock Council website

NB. In the interest of equal party representation we expect this line up to change shortly following Cllr Spillman and Cllr Mayes move from the Thurrock Independents Party to the Conservative Party.


This meeting will be held as a hybrid meeting, meaning committee members of the Task Force can choose to attend either in person in the Council Chamber or virtual online.  Thames Crossing Action Group will attend virtually online.


Info, including the Agenda for the July 2020 LTC Task Force Meeting can be found on the Council website here.


Previous LTC Task Force Meetings

Details of all previous LTC Task Force Meetings, including links to the Agendas, minutes, and TCAG updates(where available) can be found – www.thamescrossingactiongroup.com/ltc-task-force-meetings/.