Inadequacies of LTC consultation process

Thames Crossing Action Group have submitted an updated Inadequacies of LTC Consultation representation, following National Highways second attempt to resubmit the Lower Thames Crossing Development Consent Order (DCO) application.

It will likely come as no surprise to many that we still consider there has been a lack of meaningful engagement by National Highways, and that the whole LTC consultation process from start to present has been full of inadequacies.

Our representation has been sent to host Local Authorities (Gravesham, Thurrock, and Havering councils), and the Planning Inspectorate (PINS). The representation highlights the many issues and concerns we have faced and raised with National Highways regarding lack of meaningful engagement, and inadequate consultation over the years, through consultation responses and correspondence.


Official - TCAG Inadequacies of LTC Consultation representation 2022


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If you are having any issues with viewing our response above it can also be downloaded as a pdf file here.


We hope that Local Authorities and the Planning Inspectorate (PINS) find our representation helpful.  We know many others like us have serious concerns, so it will be interesting to learn PINS decision on whether they will accept the application for examination, which they will announce by 28th Nov 2022.



More info on the DCO processclick here

TCAG 2020 Inadequacies of LTC Consultation representation click here

Impacted local authorities 2020 Adequacy of Consultation representations – click here