
Call for a National Infrastructure Commission review into LTC

TCAG have written to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak MP to ask him to call upon the National Infrastructure Commission to review the proposed Lower Thames Crossing.

Following the LTC Adjournment Debate that took place in the House of Commons, along with our own evidence and concerns in relation to the proposed LTC we felt this was something that should be done.

The Commission provides government with impartial, expert advice on major long term infrastructure challenges.

The Commission’s objectives are to:

  • support sustainable economic growth across all regions of the UK
  • improve competitiveness;
  • improve quality of life; and
  • support climate resilience and the transition to net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

We know that the proposed LTC fails on so many levels, and following the MPs debate where they all so passionately stated the concerns and issues in regard to the proposed LTC, we felt this letter had to be sent.

We hope that the Chancellor will agree with the need for a review, and ask the National Infrastructure Commission to carry a review out as a matter of urgency.  We await his response.

Read the letter


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If you are having any issues with viewing our letter above it can also be downloaded as a pdf file here.


NB. We have also sent an email to the National Infrastructure Commission via the form on their website, drawing their attention to our letter and request for them to review the LTC.  Having read their website we are not sure whether they can carry out reviews unless they are instructed to do so by the Treasury, but thought it couldn’t hurt to send a message and ask.



LTC Adjournment Debateclick here

Letter to DfT on changes to road project funding guidelines (March 2022) – click here