LTC DCO Procedural Deadline D (PDD)

Event Details

  • Date:
  • Categories: ,

Procedural Deadline D is 23:45 on 18th July 2023

  • If you wish to speak at or attend any of the remaining Open Floor Hearings etc (7th July onwards) you need to register by Procedural Deadline D. Request to be heard form
  • If you are an Affected Person (someone who’s land/property is officially considered under threat from the project) and wish to be heard at a Compulsory Acquisition Hearing (CAH) you need to register by Procedural Deadline D.  Request to be heard form
  • If you wish to attend the Accompanied Site Inspection you need to register by Procedural Deadline D. Request to attend ASI form
  • If you are a Statutory Party and wish to be considered as an IP by the Examining Authority (ExA) you need to register by Procedural Deadline D.


Please note it is the same form with options in the drop down menu for all of the above.



Put simply, if you wish to speak at any of the remaining examination hearings (7th July onwards), request a Compulsory Acquisition Hearing (if you are an Affected Person), attend the Accompanied Site Inspection, or are a Statutory Party wishing to be considered an Interested Party by the ExA, you need to register by Procedural Deadline D, 23:45 on 18th July 2023.