
LTC impacts to historic buildings and sites

It’s hard to get a clear picture of the historic buildings and sites that the proposed Lower Thames Crossing would destroy and negatively impact, especially since National Highways/LTC try to keep quiet about these kind of impacts.

But if you dig deep in the interactive map there is a layer titled ‘Built Heritage’ that details Listed Buildings, Registered Parks and Gardens, Scheduled Monuments, and Conservation Areas.  Click on the map below to open in a new window, which you can zoom in on too.  This map was put together by TCAG by taking small sections of the LTC interactive map (in March 2022) and stitching them all together.

Map showing LTC impacts on Historic Buildings and Sites

Additional info on Scheduled Monuments

Thurrock Council have published a report on Scheduled Ancient Monuments within Thurrock which includes reference to risks of the proposed LTC.




We will continue to add to this page as we manage to research and find more info.