TCAG and other correspondence, consultation, and public inquiries

This is the place to read some of the correspondence and responses to public consultations and public inquiries etc that TCAG have sent in regard to the proposed Lower Thames Crossing.

This page will be updated with links to new correspondence and responses as they are published.

DfT adapting the UK’s transport system to the impacts of climate change consultation (May 2024) – click here

Letter to Lords re LTC debate on 29 April 2024click here

Letter regarding IPA 2023-24 Annual Report on Major Projects (March 2024) – click here

Letter to Britain Remade about LTC (March 2024) – click here

Thurrock Local Plan Consultations (February 2024) – click here

Labour Party Major Capital Projects Review (February 2024) – click here

Labour Party Rail and Urban Transport Review (January 2024) – click here

KCC Gravesend-Tilbury Ferry Consultation (January 2024) – click here

Mode shift grants review evidence (January 2024) – click here

Spring Budget Representation 2024 (January 2024) – click here

KCC Emerging Local Transport Plan Consultation (September 2023) – click here

Hole Farm Community Woodland planning application (August 2023) – click here

Transport Select Committee – Strategic Transport Objectives Inquiry (August 2023) – click here

National Grid – Great Grid Upgrade Norwich to Tilbury Consultation (August 2023) – click here

Connecting the country our long-term strategic plan to 2050 Consultation (August 2023) – click here

Route Strategies Initial Overview Reports Consultation (August 2023) – click here

DfT RIS3 Consultation (Shaping the future of England’s strategic roads) (July 2023) – click here

Environmental Outcomes Reports Consultation (June 2023) – click here

DfT draft NN NPS consultation response (June 2023) – click here

National Networks National Policy Statement Inquiry (May 2023) – click here

Consultation on draft revised Air Quality Strategy response (April 2023) – click here

Efra committee – Work of Defra Inquiry (March 2023) – click here

South East APPG Transport Infrastructure Inquiry (Feb 2023) – click here

Strategic Road Investment Inquiry representation (Feb 2023) – click here

Spring Budget 2023 representation (Jan 2023) – click here

Thurrock Council Intervention representation (Jan 2023) – click here

TCAG letter to Public Accounts Committee and Treasury Officer of Accounts (Jan 2023) – click here

TCAG letter to Public Accounts Committee and Treasury Officer of Accounts (Dec 2022) – click here

Environmental Change and Food Security Inquiry (Dec 2022) – click here

Kent Country Parks Strategy 2023-28 Consultation response (Dec 2022) – click here

TCAG letter to Mayor of London – ULEZ and LTC (Nov 2022) – click here

Thames Estuary 2100 Consultation response (Nov 2022) – click here

TCAG letters to government (Oct 2022) – click here

Net Zero Review Consultation response (Oct 2022) – click here

Operation Brock Consultation response (Oct 2022) – click here

Hole Farm Community Woodland consultation response (Sept/Oct 2022) – click here

Dartford Air Quality Action Plan Consultation response (Sept 2022) – click here

Response to Technical consultation on the biodiversity metric (Sept 2022) – click here

Environment Food and Rural Affairs Committee Food Security Inquiry (Sept 2022) – click here

Strategic road network and the delivery of sustainable development updates Consultation Response (Sept 2022) – click here

Transport for South East Strategic Investment Plan Consultation response (Sept 2022) – click here

Letter to Secretary of State, Jacob Rees-Mogg MP regarding LTC and Government Efficiencyclick here

Letter to Cabinet Office Minister, Kit Malthouse MP regarding proposed LTC and risk assessment click here

TCAG response to Brentwood Borough Council Environment Strategy Consultation (August 2022) – click here

TCAG response to ULEZ expansion consultation (July 2022) – click here

Tackling Local Air Quality Breaches Public Inquiry (June 2022) – click here

National Grid East Anglia GREEN Consultation response (June 2022) – click here

Designation of National Highways as a “Relevant Public Authority” Consultation (May 2022) – click here

Nature Recovery Green Paper Consultation (May 2022) – click here

Environmental Targets Consultation (May 2022) – click here

TCAG letter to Lord Goldsmith (May 2022) – click here

Thames Vision 2050 Consultation (April 2022) – click here

Land Use in England Public Inquiry (April 2022) – click here Published as written evidence here

Landscapes Review (National Parks and AONBs) Consultation (April 2022) – click here

Biodiversity Net Gain Consultation (April 2022) – click here

Letter to DfT on changes to road project funding guidelines (March 2022) – click here

Call for National Infrastructure Commission to review LTC (March 2022) – click here

OEP Strategy and Enforcement Policy Consultation (March 2022) – click here

Call for RIS2 to be re-opened/reviewed (March 2022) – click here

Call for proposed ‘Smart’ LTC to be paused (Feb 2022) – click here

TCAG email to Kent County Council about their support of LTC (Feb 2022) – click here

Transport East Strategy Consultation (Jan 2022) – click here

Office of Rail & Road RIS3 Consultation (Jan 2022) – click here

Environmental Audit Committee public inquiry (Jan 2022) – click here

Critical National Infrastructure and climate adaptation Inquiry (Jan 2022) – click here

TCAG comment of the 3rd retrospective LTC compound planning application (Jan 2022)- click here

National Highways Route Strategies RIS3 Consultation (Dec 2021) – click here

National Infrastructure Planning Reform Programme Consultation (Dec 2021) – click here

TCAG comments for Wellbeing Economy debate (Nov 2021) – click here

TCAG Spending Review 2021 representation (Sept 2021) – click here

TCAG contact Essex Climate Action Commission (June 2021) – click here

TCAG comment of the retrospective LTC compound planning application (June 2021) – click here

Essex Climate Action Commission consultation (May 2021)- click here

‘Smart’ Motorways public inquiry response (Apr 2021) – click here

Major transport inquiry response (Jan 2021)- click here

TCAG letter to the Mayor of London (Oct 2020)- click here

Blue Bell Hill Improvements Consultation response (Oct 2020) – click here

TCAG letter to Taxpayers Alliance (Oct 2020) – click here

Comprehensive Spending Review response (Sept 2020) – click here

London Resort Consultation response (Sept 2020) – click here

Tree Strategy Consultation response (Sept 2020) – click here

Transport Decarbonisation Plan Consultation response (Aug 2020) – click here

TCAG email to Essex County Councillors about motion to support LTC (Oct 2018) – click here


Other LTC related correspondence (not TCAG)

Jackie Doyle-Price writes to Transport Secretary calling for LTC plans to be ripped up (Nov 2022) – click here

Stephen Metcalfe asks Chancellor if LTC is value for money (Sept 2019) – click here

Letter from Jackie Doyle-Price to Grant Shapps (Aug 2019) – click here