TCAG ‘Have your Say’ poster info
Have you seen the TCAG ‘Have your Say’ poster, and want to find out more? Then you’re in the right place!
You will have seen some of the main key points about why TCAG are opposed to the proposed Lower Thames Crossing on the poster. To find out more detail about each of these key points please click through on the links below where we’ll tell you more. There’s also lots more info on our website, so please feel free to take a look around! A couple of good places to start are the TCAG A-Z to LTC and our Facts updates.
- Won’t solve the problems at the Dartford Crossing
- Dartford Crossing would still be over capacity
- Damaging to health and environment
- Lack of adequate connections will cause chaos
- Fails on World Health Organisation standards for PM2.5
- Cost now up to £8.2bn of taxpayers money
- 6-7 years of construction, inc 24/7 working
- Over 5 million tonnes of carbon emissions
And then the important bit is to Have your Say!
Forget about the consultation response form, you don’t have to use that to respond, and we all know that Highways England word the form to suit their own needs.
Keep it simple and send your own comments in your own words either by email or post. Tell them anything and everything you want to about the LTC and the consultation. If you prefer to talk to someone you can call and make an appointment to dictate your comments to someone over the phone, but if possible please do email or post your comments, as this ensures it will definitely be your comments in your words.
Still need a bit of extra help with responding? Our step by step to consultation is now online here!
As soon as each email or letter is received it has to be logged, read, and analyzed the more responses they receive the longer it will take them to process too, and with so much else going on (legal challenges etc) the more they are slowed down the better!
The freepost address is the only text needed on the envelope and no stamp is required.
Highways England have confirmed postal responses dated up to and including Thurs 9th September will be accepted.
Phone – 0300 123 5000 (weekdays between 9am and 5pm) to book an appointment to submit your feedback via the phone. Please be aware that appointments are not available every day.
NB. Emails and letters sent to any other address may not be included in the consultation responses, so please do only use the addresses above.
Help spread the word
The TCAG ‘Have your Say’ poster is available to download/print here, please only put the posters up in places you have permission to post, and do not fly-post them. Together we are stronger! Thanks.

Update 26th Aug 2021
We’ve also now got an A4 info sheet that can be downloaded/printed to help spread the word to those that may prefer something less colourful when printing. We hope this will help those that want to share info, especially those that may not be able to get online for whatever reason, as it provided the main key points and details of how to respond offline.
Click the image to enlarge or download/print
Also direct link – Community Impacts Consultation Response Info Sheet